This summer I went to Norway, Sweden and Denmark travelling around the beautiful Scandinavian land.
In this post I'll speak about my staiyng in Denmark, from my hotel room on top of the roof in Copenaghen to the Hamlet's legendary castle.

penaghen is a fashionable city: it puts the fashion week up and there are lots of local designers like Barbara Gongini and Henrik Vibskov.
The Henrik Vibskov boutique, where I bougth a Martin Margiela dress that you can see here, is in the city center and there you can also buy brands like Barbara Gongini, Issey Miyake, Damir Doma, of course Henrik Vibskov and others.
But Copenaghen is full of fashionable shops, from the big labels like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and others luxury maisons, to shops I've never heard before but that I liked so much.
One of these is Moss Copenaghen and also Weekday, a multulabel shop where you can find a big selection of Cheap Monday, Weekday brand and others.
Of course, because Lego is a Danish brand, there are Lego shops everywhere in all the Scandinavia countries; they are very colorful and you can find there all the Lego stuff you need.
In the main street and all the area around there,  there are hundreds of beautiful and avantgarde fashion shops; I suggest to get lost in all the centre of Copenaghen and discover shops and markets.

Copenaghe is also a city full of a creative spirit, in fact the
originality of Danish design is known all over the world.
There are lots of design forniture shops (and it applies to all the Scandinavian countries) and fixturers all over the city.
I found five big, coloured horses just in the middles of the main street, placed there as a funny, artistic installation
which people could interact with; like the "Happy wall", another fixture placed near the horses: everybody could write on it, on some coloured little wood windows and there was also a stair to get to the highest windows.

Copenaghen is a city to be discovered, in its luxury shops, in the avantguard fashion boutiques, and also trought its creative, original taste, trought the markets, the royal palaces and the most modern buildings you can find in Europe, like the "Black diamond" library.
It contrast between ancient and modern, posh and avantgarde, new and old and it's wonderfull to discover how those contrasts live well together.

The ancient and magnificent Kronborg castle, just one hour by train far from Copenaghen, is the one where lived that Hamlet about who Shakespeare wrote in his popular novel.
In fact, at the time of the english novelist were quite popular the tales about the Danish royal family and the tragic history of Hamlet. Shakespeare, who probably read those tales, took inspiration from them to write his novel set in Kronborg castle.
The castle, surrounded by two moats, with its towers, narrow passages, fountains and secret rooms seems like one of the fairy tales and it's easy to imagin how the life in that big and beautiful rooms could be in the ancient times; a life spendt in dances, lavish banquets and of course intrigues.

Under the castle there are
miles of underground tunnels where soldiers used to prepare themself for a battle.
Now you can visit those dark tunnels illuminated only by a few dim candle... but watch out for ghosts!
Kronborg castle is one of the thig I suggest to visit in Denmark, 'cause it creates a fabulous atmosphere that you'll difficultly find elsewhere.
top Cheap Monday
pants Primark
sweater H&M
denim jacket
shoes Nike
hat Aldo
A day spendt at the Sinizzo lake, in Abruzzo, Italy.
An enchanted place in the mountains of Abruzzo; the trees all around the lake reflect their light on the water making it seem green as an emerald.
Lots of dragonflyes flying around the shore with their bright and shiny colors, while a gentle breeze caresses the leaves.

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Siamo abituati a sentir parlare delle imprese titaniche del talentuoso rivoluzionario della moda Rick Owens, dalle batterie rotanti ai modelli-performers che suonano chitarre appesi al soffitto, fino alla performance delle corpulente afroamericane che hanno indossato in passerella la collezione spring 2014 e l'hanno presentata con piglio feroce, forte e battagliero; non vere modelle, ma ragazze qualunque, delle quali il visionario Owens ha voluto mettere in mostra la femminilità forte, decisa e consapevole.
Ma stavolta Owens è davvero arrivato a livelli particolare 25 piedi, l'altezza della statua che lo raffigura dal torso in su, che verrà esposta da questo finesettimana davanti al luxury concept shop di Oxford street a Londra, Selfridges.
Il palestratissimo corpo di Owens farà da faro per la nuova capsule collection dedicata allo store ospite in negozio dal 1 settembre al 24 ottobre, che celebra il crescente successo del designer americano naturalizzato europeo grazie anche all'influenza della sua musa, nonchè compagna di vita, Michèle Lamy.

Selfridges, mecca dello shopping di lusso e all'avanguardia, che già ospita una sezione dedicata a Owens, inaugurerà dal 1 settembre un pop-up shop, uno stand donna e una stanza tutta dedicata  al men's wear, arredata, secondo lo stile dello stilista, con i suoi oggetti preferiti, da dischi musicali a poster di film .
Sarà possibile acquistare i 20 pezzi della capsule collection negli store di Londra, Manchester e Birmingham e sull'e-store di Selfridges.

Tra la consapevolezza di un fatturato di 300 milioni di dollari all'anno e la passione per il body-building, Rick Owens mitiga il tutto con la spensieratezza e l'ironia tipiche americane, prendendo molto sul serio il suo lavoro e la sua arte e meno seriamente se stesso, creando un mix di americanità ed europeismo che sta stravolgendo le regole della moda.

Non vediamo l'ora di veder campeggiare su Oxford street il corpo scolpito (nel vero senso della parola) del visionario artista, talentuoso stilista Rick Owens.


We are accustomed to hearing about the titanic and revolutionary fashion works of the talented Rick Owens, from the rotating batteries, to the models-performers who play guitars hanging from the ceiling, to the performance of the burly Afro-American girls who wore the collection spring 2014 presented with an air of fierce, strong and combative; not true models , but any girls, of which the visionary Owens wanted to show the strong, decisive and aware femininity.
But this time Owens has truly arrived at the highest levels ... that is 25 feet, the height of the statue of him from the torso up, which will be on display this weekend in front of the luxury concept shop in Oxford Street in London, Selfridges.
The muscular body of Owens will be the flagship for the new capsule collection designed for the store guest and that will be in store from September 1 to October 24, to celebrate the growing success of the European naturalized American designer thanks to the influence of his muse, as well as life partner, Michèle Lamy.

Selfridges, the shopping mecca of luxury and avant-garde, which already hosts a section dedicated to Owens, will open from September 1, a pop-up shop, one woman stand and a room dedicated to men's wear, furnished in the style of the designer, with his favorite objects, from music discs to movie posters.
You can buy the 20 pieces of the capsule collection in the stores of London, Manchester and Birmingham, and from the  Selfridges e-store.

Among the awareness of a turnover of 300 million dollars a year and a passion for body-building, Rick Owens mitigates all with the light-heartedness and humor typical American, taking very seriously his work and his art and himself less seriously, creating a mix of Americanness and Europeanism that is revolutionizing the fashion rules.

We can not wait to see camp on Oxford street the sculpted body (in the true sense of the word) of the visionary artist, talented fashion designer Rick Owens.

Image taken from

Also this summer I went to London to enjoy the cool of England, the city bustling and of course the many shops.
Every time I go to London I like to discover new things, new corners of the city, the neighborhoods where I had never been, but there are steps that can not always be fixed during my stay in the english capital.
I will reveal what my favorite places in London...

Along the Swedish coast of the North Sea in a nature reserve which resonate only the waves of the sea and wind noise.
A barren nature, but beautiful, animated here and there from blueberry bushes.
The only inhabitants of this pleasant place are huge blocks of white stone; motionless and silent let themselves be caressed by the fickle and cold waves.

A day spent in a beautiful semi-deserted island in the archipelago of Islas del Rosario in front of Cartagena, Colombia.

Sometimes it's nice to take a break from the urban jungle, choose a few essential things to pack and enjoy some relaxing days.
It's also nice to take a break from high heels, make-up and heavy leather bags and enjoy a more relaxed attire, but still chic and refined.
And it's important remeber that on the beach is not elegant to show off a heavy makeup, inappropriate clothing, high heeled shoes or too showy jewelry.
As Coco Chanel used to say "less is more" and it is more true than ever when we are at the beach or in the country side for a relaxing weekend.